Hello Friends.
Luke's eyebrows are growing back. There are certain chemo drugs that completely eradicate body hair, and then others that are not so bad. Luke hasn't had any of the "bad" ones for almost three months, so his eyebrows (and eyelashes!) are starting to sprout. This probably won't last long, as today he begins a week of inpatient chemo that will surely return him to eyebrow baldness. Seeing this bit of growth has been strangely encouraging for me. Luke still has a long way to go, but he is past the halfway point with his chemo and radiation is behind him. These tiny tufts of hair represent hope, hope for growth and healing and for relief from this impossibly exhausting path. Luke has experienced so much loss, it's refreshing to see even a little bit of gain, albeit small and temporary. So many of you have asked, "how did the scans turn out." We are so grateful that you really do pray specifically for Luke. It means so much. As it turns out I was mistaken about the late April timeline. The scans are not scheduled until mid June. We are hopeful that there will be no sign of cancer in Luke's chest, zero tumors, zero cancer. In the meantime our prayer remains the same. We can't stop, WON'T stop praying for God to heal our boy. (James 5:14-16) God bless! James & Lu (for Sam, Jay & Luke)
March 2019